Combat Hair Loss with Lifestyle Changes

Hair loss can be a cause for concern for many people, but there are lifestyle changes that can help. Eating a diet with at least 20 percent protein, practicing meditation and mindfulness, and washing your hair daily with a mild shampoo are all important steps to ta

Combat Hair Loss with Lifestyle Changes

Hair loss can be a cause for worry for many people, but there are lifestyle changes that can help. Eating a diet with at least 20 percent protein, practicing meditation and mindfulness, and washing your hair daily with a mild shampoo are all essential steps to take. Additionally, supplements, medicinal ointments, and hair transplants may be beneficial depending on the cause of the hair loss. Iron deficiency is one of the most common nutritional deficiencies in the world and has been linked to certain types of hair loss.

Increasing zinc intake can help improve hair growth, so it is important to make sure you are getting enough of this mineral in your diet. Additionally, prescription pills such as Propecia can help delay hair loss and promote new growth. Touching your hair repeatedly throughout the day can lead to plucking or pulling out hairs that may struggle to grow back. Low-intensity lasers have been found to help improve hair density in people with genetic hair loss or due to chemotherapy.

Essential oils may also be beneficial for some types of hair loss, although more research is needed to determine their effectiveness. Scalp massages may also be useful for hair loss, but larger studies are needed to confirm this. Permanent hair loss is caused by progressive damage to the hair follicle, so it is important to take steps to protect your hair from damage. Tight hairstyles such as ponytails can cause traction alopecia, so it is best to avoid these styles if possible. While there is no cure for baldness, there are a variety of successful treatments available.

Eating a balanced diet with plenty of protein and minerals, practicing mindfulness and stress reduction techniques, and avoiding tight hairstyles are all important steps to take when trying to combat hair loss.

Jerri Inaba
Jerri Inaba

Lifelong beer advocate. Incurable food evangelist. Proud twitter fan. Friendly baconaholic. Internet expert.